Oct 18, 2021

Improved keyboard navigation & accessibility

Oct 18, 2021

Accessibility and keyboard navigation are incredibly important to us for two reasons:

  1. Our vision at Basedash is to enable everyone within a company to easily access the data they need to

  2. Basedash is built for power-users, and we want to reduce the time it takes to take action on your data

We've been consistently updating the UI components within our app to be as accessible as possible. The latest change we've made is to our dropdown menu component, which now uses the latest accessibility standards, and adds full keyboard navigation.

We'll continue updating our components and plan to eventually open-source our component library for others to use.

Other improvements and fixes

  • Improved performance of loading views in table layout

  • Improved filter reliability when changing the attribute

  • Added header and footer to views when loading data

  • Added header and footer to views when an error occurs

  • Added detection of columns being removed from a table

  • Added ability to automatically unset a table's primary attribute if it's been removed from a table

  • Fixed foreign key values not appearing in some cases

  • Fixed Slack notifications showing attribute names as "undefined"

  • Fixed fetching tables if missing read permission for a subset of the database

  • Fixed removing data sources

  • Fixed foreign key tooltip showing the primary attribute instead of the raw value

  • Fixed loading values for columns with very long names