How to change an image src with JavaScript

Changing the source (src) of an image in JavaScript allows for dynamic content updates without reloading the page. JavaScript provides a straightforward method to alter image elements directly in the DOM. This guide covers how that works.

Accessing the image element

Before you can change the src of an image, you need to access the image element in the DOM. You can do this using various methods provided by the document object.

Using getElementById

If your image has an id attribute, you can use getElementById:

var image = document.getElementById('imageId');

Using querySelector

For more complex selectors, querySelector is very handy:

var image = document.querySelector('#imageId'); // using an ID var image = document.querySelector('.imageClass'); // using a class var image = document.querySelector('img[src="original.jpg"]'); // using attribute

Using getElementsByTagName or getElementsByClassName

You can also get images by their tag name or class name:

var images = document.getElementsByTagName('img'); var image = images[0]; // gets the first image var imagesByClass = document.getElementsByClassName('imageClass'); var image = imagesByClass[0]; // gets the first image with the specified class

Changing the src attribute

Once you have a reference to the image element, you can change its src attribute simply by setting the src property on the element.

Directly setting the src property

image.src = 'new-image.jpg';

Setting src with a function

If you're changing the src in response to an event or condition, you may want to encapsulate the logic in a function.

function changeImageSrc(newSrc) { var image = document.getElementById('imageId'); image.src = newSrc; }

Handling relative and absolute URLs

When changing the src attribute, you can use either relative or absolute URLs:

Relative URL

image.src = 'images/new-image.jpg'; // Relative to the current location

Absolute URL

image.src = '<>'; // Absolute URL

Preloading images

If you want to change an image without any visible delay, consider preloading it:

Preloading with JavaScript

var preloadImage = new Image(); preloadImage.src = 'new-image.jpg'; preloadImage.onload = function() { image.src = this.src; };

Cross-origin considerations

When changing the src to an image from a different domain, be aware of cross-origin restrictions and set appropriate CORS headers if necessary.

Error handling

Always consider what should happen if the new image fails to load:

Adding an event listener for errors

image.onerror = function() { // Handle the error, perhaps set a default image this.src = 'default-image.jpg'; };

Ensuring accessibility

When changing an image src, remember to update the alt text if the new image conveys different content:

image.alt = 'New image description';

Updating image sources dynamically

JavaScript can interact with user events to change image sources dynamically, enhancing the user experience:

Changing src on a user event

var button = document.getElementById('changeImageButton'); button.addEventListener('click', function() { changeImageSrc('new-image.jpg'); });

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