How to Get Previous URL in JavaScript

Accessing the previous URL in JavaScript is a common task that involves interacting with the window object's history API. This guide provides methods to retrieve the URL that the user visited before landing on the current page.

Understanding the History API

The History API provides various properties and methods to interact with the browser history. The window.history object is key to navigating this history stack.

Retrieve the Previous URL

To get the previous URL, you can use the document.referrer property, which returns the URI of the page that linked to the current page.

const previousURL = document.referrer; console.log(previousURL);

However, document.referrer has limitations. It won't work for all scenarios, particularly if the user navigated directly to a page or if the previous site uses the rel="noreferrer" attribute.

Using the History API

For more control over the navigation history, you can use the History API methods, like history.back(), which navigates to the previous page in the history stack.

// Navigates to the previous page, not retrieving the URL history.back();

Capturing URL During Navigation

To capture URLs as the user navigates, consider setting up event listeners that track history state changes.

window.addEventListener('popstate', function(event) { console.log('Previous URL:', event.state?.previousURL || 'No previous URL saved'); });

When changing the history state, you can store the previous URL.

history.pushState({ previousURL: window.location.href }, '', 'nextPage.html');


While JavaScript provides tools to interact with the browser history, it doesn't offer a direct way to retrieve the previous URL due to privacy and security reasons. document.referrer and the History API offer partial solutions, while custom state management can provide more robust tracking of navigation history.

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