How to Truncate Date in MySQL

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November 9, 2023


Truncating dates in MySQL is a process used to normalize date values by removing the time component. This guide explains how to truncate dates, simplifying date-related queries and comparisons.

Understanding date truncation

Date truncation involves reducing a date-time value to just its date component. It's commonly used in scenarios where time precision isn't needed.

Method: DATE() Function

Use the DATE() function to truncate a date-time value. This function extracts the date part from a date-time expression.

SELECT DATE(datetime_column) FROM your_table;

Method: DATE_FORMAT() Function

For more flexibility, DATE_FORMAT() allows formatting dates. To truncate, format the date-time as a date.

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(datetime_column, '%Y-%m-%d') FROM your_table;

Truncating dates for comparison

Comparing dates becomes easier after truncation. Use DATE() in your WHERE clause for date-only comparisons.

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE DATE(datetime_column) = '2023-01-01';

Use in aggregate functions

Truncating dates is useful in aggregate functions like GROUP BY. It allows grouping by day, regardless of time.

SELECT DATE(datetime_column), COUNT(*) FROM your_table GROUP BY DATE(datetime_column);

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Handling different time zones

When working with different time zones, convert the time zone before truncating to ensure accuracy.

SELECT DATE(CONVERT_TZ(datetime_column, '+00:00', 'Your_Time_Zone')) FROM your_table;

Performance considerations

  • Index Usage: Truncating dates in a query can prevent the use of indexes. Consider the impact on performance.
  • Precomputed Columns: If date truncation is common, consider storing the truncated date in a separate column.

Advanced scenarios

Combining with other functions

Truncate dates and then use other functions for complex queries.

SELECT MIN(DATE(datetime_column)) FROM your_table WHERE your_conditions;

Handling NULL values

Ensure your queries handle NULL values appropriately when truncating dates.

SELECT DATE(IFNULL(datetime_column, NOW())) FROM your_table;


Date truncation in MySQL simplifies date handling, aiding in clearer, more efficient data querying and analysis. Remember to consider the performance implications and handle special cases like time zones and NULL values.

For more advanced database management, consider using tools like Basedash. It offers features like generating admin panels, sharing SQL queries, and creating dashboards. Learn more at Basedash.


Understanding date truncation
Truncating dates for comparison
Use in aggregate functions
Handling different time zones
Performance considerations
Advanced scenarios

November 9, 2023


Truncating dates in MySQL is a process used to normalize date values by removing the time component. This guide explains how to truncate dates, simplifying date-related queries and comparisons.

Understanding date truncation

Date truncation involves reducing a date-time value to just its date component. It's commonly used in scenarios where time precision isn't needed.

Method: DATE() Function

Use the DATE() function to truncate a date-time value. This function extracts the date part from a date-time expression.

SELECT DATE(datetime_column) FROM your_table;

Method: DATE_FORMAT() Function

For more flexibility, DATE_FORMAT() allows formatting dates. To truncate, format the date-time as a date.

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(datetime_column, '%Y-%m-%d') FROM your_table;

Truncating dates for comparison

Comparing dates becomes easier after truncation. Use DATE() in your WHERE clause for date-only comparisons.

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE DATE(datetime_column) = '2023-01-01';

Use in aggregate functions

Truncating dates is useful in aggregate functions like GROUP BY. It allows grouping by day, regardless of time.

SELECT DATE(datetime_column), COUNT(*) FROM your_table GROUP BY DATE(datetime_column);

You could ship faster.

Imagine the time you'd save if you never had to build another internal tool, write a SQL report, or manage another admin panel again. Basedash is built by internal tool builders, for internal tool builders. Our mission is to change the way developers work, so you can focus on building your product.

Handling different time zones

When working with different time zones, convert the time zone before truncating to ensure accuracy.

SELECT DATE(CONVERT_TZ(datetime_column, '+00:00', 'Your_Time_Zone')) FROM your_table;

Performance considerations

  • Index Usage: Truncating dates in a query can prevent the use of indexes. Consider the impact on performance.
  • Precomputed Columns: If date truncation is common, consider storing the truncated date in a separate column.

Advanced scenarios

Combining with other functions

Truncate dates and then use other functions for complex queries.

SELECT MIN(DATE(datetime_column)) FROM your_table WHERE your_conditions;

Handling NULL values

Ensure your queries handle NULL values appropriately when truncating dates.

SELECT DATE(IFNULL(datetime_column, NOW())) FROM your_table;


Date truncation in MySQL simplifies date handling, aiding in clearer, more efficient data querying and analysis. Remember to consider the performance implications and handle special cases like time zones and NULL values.

For more advanced database management, consider using tools like Basedash. It offers features like generating admin panels, sharing SQL queries, and creating dashboards. Learn more at Basedash.

November 9, 2023


Truncating dates in MySQL is a process used to normalize date values by removing the time component. This guide explains how to truncate dates, simplifying date-related queries and comparisons.

Understanding date truncation

Date truncation involves reducing a date-time value to just its date component. It's commonly used in scenarios where time precision isn't needed.

Method: DATE() Function

Use the DATE() function to truncate a date-time value. This function extracts the date part from a date-time expression.

SELECT DATE(datetime_column) FROM your_table;

Method: DATE_FORMAT() Function

For more flexibility, DATE_FORMAT() allows formatting dates. To truncate, format the date-time as a date.

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(datetime_column, '%Y-%m-%d') FROM your_table;

Truncating dates for comparison

Comparing dates becomes easier after truncation. Use DATE() in your WHERE clause for date-only comparisons.

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE DATE(datetime_column) = '2023-01-01';

Use in aggregate functions

Truncating dates is useful in aggregate functions like GROUP BY. It allows grouping by day, regardless of time.

SELECT DATE(datetime_column), COUNT(*) FROM your_table GROUP BY DATE(datetime_column);

You could ship faster.

Imagine the time you'd save if you never had to build another internal tool, write a SQL report, or manage another admin panel again. Basedash is built by internal tool builders, for internal tool builders. Our mission is to change the way developers work, so you can focus on building your product.

Handling different time zones

When working with different time zones, convert the time zone before truncating to ensure accuracy.

SELECT DATE(CONVERT_TZ(datetime_column, '+00:00', 'Your_Time_Zone')) FROM your_table;

Performance considerations

  • Index Usage: Truncating dates in a query can prevent the use of indexes. Consider the impact on performance.
  • Precomputed Columns: If date truncation is common, consider storing the truncated date in a separate column.

Advanced scenarios

Combining with other functions

Truncate dates and then use other functions for complex queries.

SELECT MIN(DATE(datetime_column)) FROM your_table WHERE your_conditions;

Handling NULL values

Ensure your queries handle NULL values appropriately when truncating dates.

SELECT DATE(IFNULL(datetime_column, NOW())) FROM your_table;


Date truncation in MySQL simplifies date handling, aiding in clearer, more efficient data querying and analysis. Remember to consider the performance implications and handle special cases like time zones and NULL values.

For more advanced database management, consider using tools like Basedash. It offers features like generating admin panels, sharing SQL queries, and creating dashboards. Learn more at Basedash.

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You're busy enough with product work to be weighed down building, maintaining, scoping and developing internal apps and admin panels. Forget all of that, and give your team the admin panel that you don't have to build. Launch in less time than it takes to run a standup.

You're busy enough with product work to be weighed down building, maintaining, scoping and developing internal apps and admin panels. Forget all of that, and give your team the admin panel that you don't have to build. Launch in less time than it takes to run a standup.

You're busy enough with product work to be weighed down building, maintaining, scoping and developing internal apps and admin panels. Forget all of that, and give your team the admin panel that you don't have to build. Launch in less time than it takes to run a standup.

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Screenshot of a users table in a database. The interface is very data-dense with information.