Mar 5, 2021

Global view search

Mar 5, 2021

This week we added a global search that allows you to jump to any view, query, or table in seconds. It's fully keyboard-navigable and can be opened from the sidebar, or by pressing '/' from anywhere. With this addition, you can now navigate to any page in BaseDash purely with the keyboard.

This is the first of a few updates we have planned to improve navigation and organization of views. We think that views are core to BaseDash, so we want to improve the ways that you can work with them. Keep an eye out for future updates by following us on Twitter.

Keyboard shortcut cheat sheet

Speed is core to BaseDash—we've got loads of keyboard shortcuts for navigation, creation, and manipulation. This week we added a central location to show all available shortcuts in an instant. It automatically detects which shortcuts are triggerable depending on where in the app you are, and lets you search to find specific actions.

You can open the cheat sheet by pressing '?', or by searching for "Keyboard shortcuts" in the command bar.

Other improvements and fixes

  • Updated styling of foreign key chips

  • Added an RSS feed for the weekly changelog

  • Fixed column loading for SQL Server databases

  • Reduced bundle size and improved performance across the app