May 3, 2021

Views page keyboard navigation

May 3, 2021

We've improved the keyboard navigation on the views page to make it easier than ever to get to your data. You can now use the arrow keys or 'j' and 'k' to navigate through the list, 'return' to open the selected view, and 'f' to favorite a view, pinning it to the sidebar. You can also now press 'g' then 'v' to go to the views page. As before, you can press '/' to open search and jump straight to a view from anywhere.

We're big fans of keyboard navigation and aim to make the entire app keyboard navigable. We're currently about 90% of the way there.

Other improvements and fixes

  • Updated the styling of the views page

  • Fixed alignment of real-time avatars in the view header

  • Updated the "Save as view" button in tables to always be visible

  • Added favorite button to the view and query headers

  • Added an empty state for the favorites section in the sidebar

  • Switched the sort order for views using emojis

  • Updated header padding on desktop