Jun 21, 2021

List layout

Jun 21, 2021

Today we're launching a new list layout for views, our second ever layout type after tables. You can now easily view records in a simple list, and edit values in a comprehensive form. This new view layout is available on all new and existing views through a toggle in the header—you can use this to easily switch the layout on a view-by-view basis depending on your needs for each view.

We believe that tables are great high-density interfaces for comparing and managing data in bulk, but they can be intimidating—especially for non-technical users—because they lack informational hierarchy. Our new list layout offers a more streamlined interface, surfacing the most important data in the list itself, with access to the rest of the record's data in a familiar, easily-editable form. The form panel also gives us more space to show data inline which is especially useful for data types like rich text and JSON.

List views, like existing table views, are highly customizable. You can choose which secondary attributes to display in the list, as well as which attributes are visible and editable in the form. Some settings like filters and sorts are shared between layout types, so you don't have to define them multiple times.

List layout is available to all users starting today. It's still under active development while we iron out some bugs and improve the experience, like adding mobile support and improving customizability. If you run into any issues, please let us know in the BaseDash Community Slack channel.

Other improvements and fixes

  • Updated "New update available" toast copy

  • Fixed bug that prevented deletion of favorited queries

  • Fixed bug that prevented foreign key selection dropdown from appearing