Dec 5, 2022

Bulk view creation

Dec 5, 2022

We’ve totally revamped the way you create new views to allow for bulk view creation. This means that you can select multiple tables from your database, and we’ll automatically generate views for them all. This makes the initial setup process of a new team much faster and smoother.

You can try it out in two ways:

  1. Create a new team. The initial state of the team page will let you create views.

  2. Add new views to a team. You’ll see a modal that lets you create views from your database.

We have more improvements planned for bulk view creation, so keep your eye out on our changelog. To keep up to date, you can follow Basedash on Twitter, and join our Slack community where we post updates, share access to beta features, and listen to your feature requests and bug reports.

Other improvements and fixes

  • Added the ability to edit and delete pages directly from the sidebar

  • Fixed workspace switcher sometimes being unreliable

  • Fixed moving pages to other teams when they were originally part of a section

  • Fixed web app crashing in some cases where there was a mismatch in cache state

  • Fixed creating Slack alert subscriptions from the desktop app

  • Fixed search history not closing after applying a search

  • Fixed views disappearing from the sidebar after being edited