Jul 25, 2023

Performance, segments, invitation

Jul 25, 2023

1. Performance improvements

We’ve significantly improved the performance around loading records throughout the app. This includes loading views, relations, foreign keys, and segments, where the record load time is now up to 10 times faster.

2. Segment improvements

Last month we shipped Segments in beta. This month we shipped some big improvements, including automatically suggesting new segments based on your current filters, and the ability to reorder segments in the side panel.

3. Redesigned invitation flow

We’ve totally redesigned the flow for adding new members to your workspace, optimizing for simplicity and speed. You can now choose which teams a member will be part of before they join your workspace.

4. Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixed the setup flow for TOTP MFA without a QR code

  • Improved keyboard shortcuts and responsiveness of the rich text editor

  • Added support for MFA in conjunction with SSO and Google authentication

  • Fixed upgrading while over the page limit for your current plan

  • Improved styling of presence avatars

  • Fixed some modals being too tall