React Query Timeout: Efficient Management of Asynchronous Data Fetching

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January 26, 2024

React Query enhances the experience of fetching, caching, and updating asynchronous data in React applications. Understanding how to effectively manage timeouts in React Query is crucial for maintaining responsive and resilient user interfaces.

What are timeouts in react query?

Timeouts in React Query are designed to handle scenarios where data fetching might take longer than expected. This mechanism prevents endless waiting and allows developers to gracefully manage delayed responses or network issues. React Query's default timeout settings can be configured globally or overridden in individual queries for more precise control.

How to configure global timeouts

Global timeout settings apply to all queries within your React application. This is useful for establishing a consistent timeout policy across your app. Configure global timeouts using the QueryClient setup:

import { QueryClient } from 'react-query'; const queryClient = new QueryClient({ defaultOptions: { queries: { retry: false, // Disables automatic retries retryOnMount: false, staleTime: 1000, // Time in milliseconds a query is considered fresh cacheTime: 10000, // Cache time for inactive queries refetchOnWindowFocus: false, refetchOnReconnect: false, refetchOnMount: false, refetchInterval: false, refetchIntervalInBackground: false, suspense: false, networkMode: 'always', keepPreviousData: false, structuralSharing: true, notifyOnChangeProps: 'tracked', suspense: false, useErrorBoundary: false, queryFnParamsFilter: args => args, queryKeySerializerFn: queryKey => [JSON.stringify(queryKey), queryKey], behavior: undefined } } });

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Imagine the time you'd save if you never had to build another internal tool, write a SQL report, or manage another admin panel again. Basedash is built by internal tool builders, for internal tool builders. Our mission is to change the way developers work, so you can focus on building your product.

Setting timeouts for individual queries

For more fine-grained control, you can set timeouts for individual queries. This is particularly useful when certain queries require different handling compared to the global settings:

import { useQuery } from 'react-query'; const fetchData = async () => { // Fetching data logic }; const { data, isLoading, error } = useQuery('data', fetchData, { retry: false, // Override global retry settings staleTime: 2000, // Specific stale time for this query cacheTime: 120000, // Specific cache time for this query refetchOnWindowFocus: 'always', // Override global setting suspense: true // Enable suspense for this query });

How to handle query timeouts

React Query does not provide a built-in timeout feature for individual queries. However, you can implement custom logic to handle timeouts. One approach is to use JavaScript's Promise.race method in combination with a timeout promise:

const fetchWithTimeout = (url, timeout = 1000) => { return Promise.race([ fetch(url), new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('Timeout')), timeout)) ]); }; const { data, isLoading, error } = useQuery('data', () => fetchWithTimeout('<>'));


What are timeouts in react query?
How to configure global timeouts
Setting timeouts for individual queries
How to handle query timeouts

January 26, 2024

React Query enhances the experience of fetching, caching, and updating asynchronous data in React applications. Understanding how to effectively manage timeouts in React Query is crucial for maintaining responsive and resilient user interfaces.

What are timeouts in react query?

Timeouts in React Query are designed to handle scenarios where data fetching might take longer than expected. This mechanism prevents endless waiting and allows developers to gracefully manage delayed responses or network issues. React Query's default timeout settings can be configured globally or overridden in individual queries for more precise control.

How to configure global timeouts

Global timeout settings apply to all queries within your React application. This is useful for establishing a consistent timeout policy across your app. Configure global timeouts using the QueryClient setup:

import { QueryClient } from 'react-query'; const queryClient = new QueryClient({ defaultOptions: { queries: { retry: false, // Disables automatic retries retryOnMount: false, staleTime: 1000, // Time in milliseconds a query is considered fresh cacheTime: 10000, // Cache time for inactive queries refetchOnWindowFocus: false, refetchOnReconnect: false, refetchOnMount: false, refetchInterval: false, refetchIntervalInBackground: false, suspense: false, networkMode: 'always', keepPreviousData: false, structuralSharing: true, notifyOnChangeProps: 'tracked', suspense: false, useErrorBoundary: false, queryFnParamsFilter: args => args, queryKeySerializerFn: queryKey => [JSON.stringify(queryKey), queryKey], behavior: undefined } } });

You could ship faster.

Imagine the time you'd save if you never had to build another internal tool, write a SQL report, or manage another admin panel again. Basedash is built by internal tool builders, for internal tool builders. Our mission is to change the way developers work, so you can focus on building your product.

Setting timeouts for individual queries

For more fine-grained control, you can set timeouts for individual queries. This is particularly useful when certain queries require different handling compared to the global settings:

import { useQuery } from 'react-query'; const fetchData = async () => { // Fetching data logic }; const { data, isLoading, error } = useQuery('data', fetchData, { retry: false, // Override global retry settings staleTime: 2000, // Specific stale time for this query cacheTime: 120000, // Specific cache time for this query refetchOnWindowFocus: 'always', // Override global setting suspense: true // Enable suspense for this query });

How to handle query timeouts

React Query does not provide a built-in timeout feature for individual queries. However, you can implement custom logic to handle timeouts. One approach is to use JavaScript's Promise.race method in combination with a timeout promise:

const fetchWithTimeout = (url, timeout = 1000) => { return Promise.race([ fetch(url), new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('Timeout')), timeout)) ]); }; const { data, isLoading, error } = useQuery('data', () => fetchWithTimeout('<>'));

January 26, 2024

React Query enhances the experience of fetching, caching, and updating asynchronous data in React applications. Understanding how to effectively manage timeouts in React Query is crucial for maintaining responsive and resilient user interfaces.

What are timeouts in react query?

Timeouts in React Query are designed to handle scenarios where data fetching might take longer than expected. This mechanism prevents endless waiting and allows developers to gracefully manage delayed responses or network issues. React Query's default timeout settings can be configured globally or overridden in individual queries for more precise control.

How to configure global timeouts

Global timeout settings apply to all queries within your React application. This is useful for establishing a consistent timeout policy across your app. Configure global timeouts using the QueryClient setup:

import { QueryClient } from 'react-query'; const queryClient = new QueryClient({ defaultOptions: { queries: { retry: false, // Disables automatic retries retryOnMount: false, staleTime: 1000, // Time in milliseconds a query is considered fresh cacheTime: 10000, // Cache time for inactive queries refetchOnWindowFocus: false, refetchOnReconnect: false, refetchOnMount: false, refetchInterval: false, refetchIntervalInBackground: false, suspense: false, networkMode: 'always', keepPreviousData: false, structuralSharing: true, notifyOnChangeProps: 'tracked', suspense: false, useErrorBoundary: false, queryFnParamsFilter: args => args, queryKeySerializerFn: queryKey => [JSON.stringify(queryKey), queryKey], behavior: undefined } } });

You could ship faster.

Imagine the time you'd save if you never had to build another internal tool, write a SQL report, or manage another admin panel again. Basedash is built by internal tool builders, for internal tool builders. Our mission is to change the way developers work, so you can focus on building your product.

Setting timeouts for individual queries

For more fine-grained control, you can set timeouts for individual queries. This is particularly useful when certain queries require different handling compared to the global settings:

import { useQuery } from 'react-query'; const fetchData = async () => { // Fetching data logic }; const { data, isLoading, error } = useQuery('data', fetchData, { retry: false, // Override global retry settings staleTime: 2000, // Specific stale time for this query cacheTime: 120000, // Specific cache time for this query refetchOnWindowFocus: 'always', // Override global setting suspense: true // Enable suspense for this query });

How to handle query timeouts

React Query does not provide a built-in timeout feature for individual queries. However, you can implement custom logic to handle timeouts. One approach is to use JavaScript's Promise.race method in combination with a timeout promise:

const fetchWithTimeout = (url, timeout = 1000) => { return Promise.race([ fetch(url), new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('Timeout')), timeout)) ]); }; const { data, isLoading, error } = useQuery('data', () => fetchWithTimeout('<>'));

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Ship faster, worry less with Basedash

You're busy enough with product work to be weighed down building, maintaining, scoping and developing internal apps and admin panels. Forget all of that, and give your team the admin panel that you don't have to build. Launch in less time than it takes to run a standup.

You're busy enough with product work to be weighed down building, maintaining, scoping and developing internal apps and admin panels. Forget all of that, and give your team the admin panel that you don't have to build. Launch in less time than it takes to run a standup.

You're busy enough with product work to be weighed down building, maintaining, scoping and developing internal apps and admin panels. Forget all of that, and give your team the admin panel that you don't have to build. Launch in less time than it takes to run a standup.

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Screenshot of a users table in a database. The interface is very data-dense with information.