React Query vs Apollo

React Query and Apollo are both modern tools for managing server-state in JavaScript applications. Each offers unique approaches and features. This guide compares them so you can have a better idea of which to use depending on the kind of project you’re working on.

Introduction to React Query

React Query is a powerful data-fetching and caching library. It simplifies data synchronization between your React application and the server, offering features like caching, background updates, and stale data handling.

Key features

  • Automated Caching: Efficiently caches queries and manages cache invalidation.
  • Devtools Support: Offers dedicated devtools for debugging and observing query states.
  • Minimal Configuration: Requires minimal boilerplate for setup and use.

Typical use case

React Query is ideal for applications with a focus on fetching and caching data from RESTful APIs without the need for a GraphQL layer.

Introduction to Apollo

Apollo Client is a comprehensive state management library for JavaScript that lets you manage both local and remote data with GraphQL.

Key features

  • GraphQL integration: Designed to work seamlessly with GraphQL queries and mutations.
  • Local state management: Combines API data management with local state management.
  • Extensive ecosystem: Part of the larger Apollo platform, offering additional tools for GraphQL server and development.

Typical use case

Apollo is best for applications that rely heavily on GraphQL for data operations and which require a unified approach to manage both remote and local data.

React Query vs. Apollo for data fetching

React Query

import { useQuery } from 'react-query'; const fetchData = async () => { const response = await fetch('/api/data'); return response.json(); }; function App() { const { data, isLoading } = useQuery('dataKey', fetchData); // Render logic }

As you can see the fetching and caching are pretty simple. There’s obviously no GraphQL requirement.


import { useQuery, gql } from '@apollo/client'; const GET_DATA = gql` query GetData { data { // fields } } `; function App() { const { data, loading } = useQuery(GET_DATA); // Render logic }

There’s integrated GraphQL query handling but a more verbose setup for GraphQL integration.

React Query vs. Apollo for state management

React Query

Focuses primarily on server-state. Local state management requires integration with other state libraries.


Offers integrated local and server-state management, leveraging GraphQL for both.

React Query vs. Apollo for caching mechanisms

React Query

  • Efficient automatic caching.
  • Customizable caching strategies.


  • Advanced caching with normalized data storage.
  • Fine-grained control over cache with GraphQL.

React Query vs. Apollo for community and ecosystem

React Query

  • Growing community.
  • Less extensive ecosystem compared to Apollo.


  • Large community and ecosystem.
  • Benefits from the broader GraphQL community support.


React Query shines in its simplicity and efficiency for fetching and caching, particularly with REST APIs. Apollo, on the other hand, offers a more integrated solution for applications that heavily utilize GraphQL for both local and server-state management.

The TL;DR is that your choice between React Query and Apollo depends on your app’s specific requirements for data fetching, state management, and the use of GraphQL.

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