How to Loop Through Rows in MySQL
Looping through rows in MySQL involves iterating over a result set obtained from a query. This is often used to process or manipulate each row individually.
Understanding cursors for row-by-row processing
Cursors in MySQL provide a way to iterate over a result set from a SELECT query. They are essential for row-by-row operations in stored procedures.
DECLARE cursor_name CURSOR FOR select_statement;
Opening and closing a cursor
Before using a cursor, you need to open it. Once processing is done, always ensure to close it to release resources.
OPEN cursor_name; -- Perform operations CLOSE cursor_name;
Fetching rows with a cursor
The FETCH statement retrieves the next row from the cursor into variables.
FETCH cursor_name INTO var1, var2;
Looping through rows using cursors
Combine LOOP
to iterate through each row.
DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE; OPEN cursor_name; loop_name: LOOP FETCH cursor_name INTO var1, var2; IF done THEN LEAVE loop_name; END IF; -- Process each row here END LOOP loop_name; CLOSE cursor_name;
An example of row-by-row processing
Here’s a practical example demonstrating the whole process.
CREATE PROCEDURE ProcessOrders() BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE myOrder INT; DECLARE cursorOrders CURSOR FOR SELECT order_id FROM orders; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE; OPEN cursorOrders; read_loop: LOOP FETCH cursorOrders INTO myOrder; IF done THEN LEAVE read_loop; END IF; -- Add custom logic for each order here END LOOP read_loop; CLOSE cursorOrders; END;
This guide presents the essentials of looping through rows in MySQL using cursors. Cursors provide a controlled way to handle data row by row, especially within stored procedures. Remember to always open and close cursors and handle the end of the data set gracefully.
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