How to update in MySQL using joins

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October 26, 2023

Joining tables in an UPDATE statement is a powerful way to modify data in one table based on data in another table. This guide will walk you through the intricacies of using JOIN with the UPDATE statement in MySQL.

1. Basic Syntax

Here's the basic syntax for using JOIN in an UPDATE statement:

UPDATE table1 JOIN table2 ON table1.column1 = table2.column2 SET table1.target_column = value WHERE some_condition;

2. Simple Example

Imagine you have two tables:

  1. users: with columns user_id and email
  2. email_preferences: with columns email and send_promotions

You want to set a user's email in the users table to '' for those who have opted out of promotions.

UPDATE users JOIN email_preferences ON = SET = '' WHERE email_preferences.send_promotions = 0;

3. Using Multiple Tables

You can also join multiple tables in an UPDATE statement.

Let's say you have an additional table:

  1. user_profiles: with columns user_id and profile_status

You want to set the profile status to 'inactive' for users who have opted out of promotions:

UPDATE user_profiles JOIN users ON user_profiles.user_id = users.user_id JOIN email_preferences ON = SET user_profiles.profile_status = 'inactive' WHERE email_preferences.send_promotions = 0;

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4. Using LEFT JOIN

Sometimes you might want to update records in one table based on the absence of records in another table. This is where the LEFT JOIN comes in handy.

For example, if you want to set the email to '' for users who don't have any email preferences:

UPDATE users LEFT JOIN email_preferences ON = SET = '' WHERE IS NULL;

5. Tips

  1. Backup First: Always backup your database before running UPDATE queries, especially in production. An erroneous query can modify a lot of rows unintentionally.
  2. Use Transactions: Use transactions to make sure that your UPDATE statements can be rolled back in case of errors.
  3. Test First: Before executing the UPDATE, you can replace UPDATE with SELECT to preview the rows that would be affected.
-- Instead of: -- UPDATE table1 JOIN table2 ... -- Use: SELECT * FROM table1 JOIN table2 ...


The ability to join tables in an UPDATE statement is a powerful tool in MySQL. With this guide, you now understand the basics of using JOIN with UPDATE and can modify data across multiple related tables effectively. Always remember to proceed with caution when modifying data, and happy querying!


1. Basic Syntax
2. Simple Example
3. Using Multiple Tables
4. Using LEFT JOIN
5. Tips

October 26, 2023

Joining tables in an UPDATE statement is a powerful way to modify data in one table based on data in another table. This guide will walk you through the intricacies of using JOIN with the UPDATE statement in MySQL.

1. Basic Syntax

Here's the basic syntax for using JOIN in an UPDATE statement:

UPDATE table1 JOIN table2 ON table1.column1 = table2.column2 SET table1.target_column = value WHERE some_condition;

2. Simple Example

Imagine you have two tables:

  1. users: with columns user_id and email
  2. email_preferences: with columns email and send_promotions

You want to set a user's email in the users table to '' for those who have opted out of promotions.

UPDATE users JOIN email_preferences ON = SET = '' WHERE email_preferences.send_promotions = 0;

3. Using Multiple Tables

You can also join multiple tables in an UPDATE statement.

Let's say you have an additional table:

  1. user_profiles: with columns user_id and profile_status

You want to set the profile status to 'inactive' for users who have opted out of promotions:

UPDATE user_profiles JOIN users ON user_profiles.user_id = users.user_id JOIN email_preferences ON = SET user_profiles.profile_status = 'inactive' WHERE email_preferences.send_promotions = 0;

You could ship faster.

Imagine the time you'd save if you never had to build another internal tool, write a SQL report, or manage another admin panel again. Basedash is built by internal tool builders, for internal tool builders. Our mission is to change the way developers work, so you can focus on building your product.

4. Using LEFT JOIN

Sometimes you might want to update records in one table based on the absence of records in another table. This is where the LEFT JOIN comes in handy.

For example, if you want to set the email to '' for users who don't have any email preferences:

UPDATE users LEFT JOIN email_preferences ON = SET = '' WHERE IS NULL;

5. Tips

  1. Backup First: Always backup your database before running UPDATE queries, especially in production. An erroneous query can modify a lot of rows unintentionally.
  2. Use Transactions: Use transactions to make sure that your UPDATE statements can be rolled back in case of errors.
  3. Test First: Before executing the UPDATE, you can replace UPDATE with SELECT to preview the rows that would be affected.
-- Instead of: -- UPDATE table1 JOIN table2 ... -- Use: SELECT * FROM table1 JOIN table2 ...


The ability to join tables in an UPDATE statement is a powerful tool in MySQL. With this guide, you now understand the basics of using JOIN with UPDATE and can modify data across multiple related tables effectively. Always remember to proceed with caution when modifying data, and happy querying!

October 26, 2023

Joining tables in an UPDATE statement is a powerful way to modify data in one table based on data in another table. This guide will walk you through the intricacies of using JOIN with the UPDATE statement in MySQL.

1. Basic Syntax

Here's the basic syntax for using JOIN in an UPDATE statement:

UPDATE table1 JOIN table2 ON table1.column1 = table2.column2 SET table1.target_column = value WHERE some_condition;

2. Simple Example

Imagine you have two tables:

  1. users: with columns user_id and email
  2. email_preferences: with columns email and send_promotions

You want to set a user's email in the users table to '' for those who have opted out of promotions.

UPDATE users JOIN email_preferences ON = SET = '' WHERE email_preferences.send_promotions = 0;

3. Using Multiple Tables

You can also join multiple tables in an UPDATE statement.

Let's say you have an additional table:

  1. user_profiles: with columns user_id and profile_status

You want to set the profile status to 'inactive' for users who have opted out of promotions:

UPDATE user_profiles JOIN users ON user_profiles.user_id = users.user_id JOIN email_preferences ON = SET user_profiles.profile_status = 'inactive' WHERE email_preferences.send_promotions = 0;

You could ship faster.

Imagine the time you'd save if you never had to build another internal tool, write a SQL report, or manage another admin panel again. Basedash is built by internal tool builders, for internal tool builders. Our mission is to change the way developers work, so you can focus on building your product.

4. Using LEFT JOIN

Sometimes you might want to update records in one table based on the absence of records in another table. This is where the LEFT JOIN comes in handy.

For example, if you want to set the email to '' for users who don't have any email preferences:

UPDATE users LEFT JOIN email_preferences ON = SET = '' WHERE IS NULL;

5. Tips

  1. Backup First: Always backup your database before running UPDATE queries, especially in production. An erroneous query can modify a lot of rows unintentionally.
  2. Use Transactions: Use transactions to make sure that your UPDATE statements can be rolled back in case of errors.
  3. Test First: Before executing the UPDATE, you can replace UPDATE with SELECT to preview the rows that would be affected.
-- Instead of: -- UPDATE table1 JOIN table2 ... -- Use: SELECT * FROM table1 JOIN table2 ...


The ability to join tables in an UPDATE statement is a powerful tool in MySQL. With this guide, you now understand the basics of using JOIN with UPDATE and can modify data across multiple related tables effectively. Always remember to proceed with caution when modifying data, and happy querying!

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If you're building with MySQL, you need Basedash. It gives you an instantly generated admin panel to understand, query, build dashboards, edit, and share access to your data.

If you're building with MySQL, you need Basedash. It gives you an instantly generated admin panel to understand, query, build dashboards, edit, and share access to your data.

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Screenshot of a users table in a database. The interface is very data-dense with information.